Sunday, August 16, 2009

Be a Self-Leader

Do you ever feel like your life is leading you instead of you leading your life? This often happens because we are not being the leaders of our lives.

Being the leader of your life means you know how you want your life to function, and you are clear on why this is important. This understanding serves as your guide or compass in life - this is your vision!

Could you imagine setting out on a journey without a map or directions? How about if you were trying to sail without a compass? Truly, you would get lost. This is exactly the same thing that happens in your life, if you are not a self-leader.

Managing multiple roles such as mom, wife, employee and more makes having a clear vision even more important. Without this vision, you can easily get lost and be pulled in different directions. In fact, you can get pulled into someone else's priorities. When this happens, we are not living our priorities, and the result is often stress and tension.

Take some time to define what is important to you. Next step, determine if your life reflects it. Then, the very brave step is living your priorities. The great news is that you do not have to do this alone. Tap into your village or support system as a source of accountability. There is great power and strength in numbers, so don't be afraid to share your vision!

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